

Global Policy


Global Compliance Policy


We, the Furuno Group, believe that, in accordance with our corporate philosophy that "a company exists to serve society," it is essential to strive to increase our compliance awareness and maintain and strengthen our compliance system in order to continue to be a company that is trusted by all stakeholders, including our customers, business partners, markets, investors, employees and local communities.

The Furuno Group has hereby formulated this Global Compliance Policy as a common philosophy for the compliance of the Group companies engaged in the development of global business activities and the Group employees supporting such activities. We pledge to adhere to this policy and to give the highest priority to strict compliance in all our business activities.

  1. We, the Furuno Group, will comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region, as they may apply to our business and operations.
  2. We, the Furuno Group, will sincerely and fairly respect the dignity of individuals and communality and fulfill our ethical responsibilities.
  3. We, the Furuno Group, affirm that adherence to compliance, including the duty to comply with the laws and regulations and ethical responsibilities referred to above, is a universal, globally-shared value that should be given the utmost importance in the Group's business activities.
  4. We, the Furuno Group, consider any conduct that violates any of the matters above to be an act of non-compliance, which we will not tolerate at all.

Enacted: Novmber 1, 2019
Yukio Furuno, President and CEO

President and CEO Yukio Furuno sign