Environmental philosophy
With global environmental issues becoming more serious, FURUNO considers the environment to be one of our vital management issues. The core mainstays of our environmental policy are protection of the global environment, the creation of a recycling-oriented society, and conservation of biodiversity. We are working to manufacture products that have low environmental impact and to reduce impact in our business activities in the effort to achieve sustainability in society.

Message to the Society
Let us protect our earth! Let us seek a 21st century characterized by ecological awareness! FURUNO will continue to do its utmost to produce environmentally friendly products.
Guidelines for Action
(1) Protection of the global environment
We strive to contribute to energy and resource conservation as well as reduction in emission of greenhouse gasses throughout the entire process of procurement, manufacturing, distribution and disposal through environmental design and by developing environmentally friendly products and systems.
(2) Creation of a recycling-oriented society
We strive to reduce waste produced by our business activities and over the course of the lifecycles of our products by promoting the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste.
(3) Conservation of biodiversity
We strive to reduce use and seek alternatives for chemicals that have negative impacts on living organisms and the global environment through chemical risk management. Furthermore, we strive to contribute to preservation of the marine environment and realization of sustainable fisheries through development and provision of products and systems that contribute to more efficient fishing and marine resource management.
(4) Fostering a corporate culture of coexistence with the environment and society
In order to promote environmental communication, we aim to maintain and develop bonds of trust. This is achieved by actively disclosing our environmental policy, activities and accomplishments both inside and outside of our company, and pursuing an enhanced dialog with stakeholders. Also, we seek to develop human resources who adhere to environmental laws and regulations affecting our business activities, strive for harmonious coexistence with society in order to fulfill our social responsibility through environmental activities, and take the initiative to engage in activities that benefit society and the local community.
Enacted: May 21, 1999
Revised: June 5, 2012
Yukio Furuno, President and CEO