

Relationships with Customers


Quality improvement initiatives



Basic concept

FURUNO listens carefully to the views of customers throughout the world, and all of our departments, from research and development to service, are working to provide higher quality products and services.
FURUNO's corporate philosophy is: "The quality of our products is created by the quality of our approach to work". In accordance with this philosophy, FURUNO aims to provide products and services that satisfy its customers and to remain a company that is trusted by society.

Basic Quality Policy

”Product quality” is created based on the “quality of commitment to work,” and these qualities serve for acquiring the “reliability” and “satisfaction” of customers.

Stance on Quality Assurance

Stance on Quality Assurance

To provide products that our customers can use with confidence, FURUNO has acquired certification under the ISO 9001 international standard for quality management systems. To ensure that our products function properly in the harshest environments, we also set our own quality standards and employ reliability assessment techniques at each stage of development.

Based on such standards we are able to achieve optimal quality for the countries and regions, the environment and applications in which each product is used.

Status of ISO9001 Certification

As of August 2018

Business Unit Certification Authority
(Registration No.)
Scope of Registration Registration Date
Marine Electronic Products Division
ISO 9001:2015
Design, development, manufacture, merchant marine marketing, government systems marketing and management of installation and service provision of marine electronic products and communication/sensor systems.
ISO 9002 / November 1994
ISO 9001 / January 1996 Continuously renewed
Systems Product Division
(No.12 100 17099 TMS)

(Q5 17 03 92136003)
ISO 9001:2015
Design, Development, Production and Distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic Chemical Analyzers, Ultrasound Bone Densitometers, ITS Products, GNSS Engines and associated apparatuses.

ISO 13485:2016
Design, Development, Production and Distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic Chemical Analyzers, Ultrasound Bone Densitometers.
ISO 9001 / March 1997
EN46001 / March 1996
Continuously renewed
Avionics and Defense Electronics Division
BSK (No.BSKA0187)
JAB (No.CM023)
JIS Q 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015)
JIS Q 9100:2016

Design, Development, Manufacture and Service(including repair) of Electronics Products for Aircraft, Ground use and Marine use(including Ship).
JIS Q 9001 / September 1998
JIS Q 9100 / January 2013 Continuously renewed

Quality Testing

Image of Quality Testing

Marine electronic equipment is used in an extremely hostile environment, therefore, we test the equipment under a wide range of environmental conditions including temperature, moisture, and vibration. We also perform repeated EMC testing* so customers can use our products with peace of mind.

*Test for the possibility of electromagnetic interference with other equipment and effects on the human body.

Global Service

A Global Service System for Satisfaction

FURUNO has service centers located in Japan, the U.S.A., Europe and Singapore together with authorized distributors in more than 40 countries. Our online Service Management System (SMS) allows information to be shared among distributors and service centers related to equipment installation and maintenance for each vessel, which enables quick response for repairs and maintenance.

Image of technical support

To get the maximum benefit from these systems and to contribute to safe navigation requires not only high product quality but also local guidance on proper installation, settings, and operation to optimize the equipment use. We therefore train service technicians with a comprehensive educational curriculum based on guidelines that cover all of the basic technology. Our subsidiaries outside of Japan also provide guidance to shipyards on equipment and installation procedures, and actively host seminars for customers to explain how to properly operate the equipment.

Providing Training Services for Crewmembers

Image Providing Training Services to Crewmembers

Due to mandatory requirements, installation of ECDIS equipment is proceeding on cargo ships, passenger ships, and other vessels. Installing ECDIS simplifies the process of navigational chart information management and navigation monitoring, and helps avoid maritime accidents, such as running aground.
However, getting maximum benefit from these systems requires a high level of familiarity with the capabilities and operation methods of ECDIS equipment. FURUNO has therefore established FURUNO INS Training Centers (INSTC) in Denmark and Singapore. In addition to instruction in normal operations, we provide education and training in areas such as how to deal with emergency situations.
In 2012, we began an Internet-based distance learning program. Through this program, we contribute to increased customer satisfaction and safe navigation by providing training services tailored to each customer's environment.

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